$ 89.00

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*Savings are based on similar items sold elsewhere that are of comparable quality and specification including materials and manufacturing process used.

Whether you're a seasoned horticulturist or a budding plant enthusiast, the Corten Wall Planter beckons you to embark on a botanical journey like no other. Its innovative design and top-tier materials ensure a long-lasting, enchanting addition to any outdoor setting. Elevate your outdoor space and immerse yourself in the tranquil beauty of nature with the Corten Wall Planter – an embodiment of modern design meeting the serenity of the outdoors, destined to make an unforgettable statement in your environment.

Made from weather-resistant corten steel, our corten is intended to thrive in even a harsh outdoor environment. Great quality and beautifully finished with polished welds, the pre-oxidised rusted finish adds character to the sleek, minimalist design of these stylish pieces that'll weather beautifully over time

Please note: Due to the rustic-chic nature of corten, colours maybe differ and darken overtime.

Back plate: 450mm x 380mm
Planter: 200mm x 150mm x 50mm
Thickness: 1.1mm
Weight: 3kg 

Elsewhere Price

Our Elsewhere prices are based on similar items sold - you guessed it - elsewhere, that are of comparable quality and specifications, including materials and the manufacturing process used.

We always encourage you to do your own comparison shopping to make sure you're happy with the purchase price. Please feel free to ask us any questions about our products or elsewhere prices as we are keen to help!

Dollars Saved is calculated by taking the difference between our awesome price and the Elsewhere Price.

And when we calculate how many millions of dollars we have saved our customers over time, we multiply the Dollars Saved for each item by the quantity we’ve sold.